Salvos Gulf District Officers Receive Solar Lights

Salvos Gulf District Officers Receive Solar Lights


The Salvation Army officers from 10 churches and fellowships including the District Office from the Gulf Province were happy recipients of solar lights as part of a solar light distribution exercise conducted three weeks ago.

The solar lights which were purchased through a kind donation made by Colonel Miriam Gluyas who is back in Australia, will go a long way in assisting the officers as they carry out their ministry work within the province.

District Director of Women’s Ministries Major Alice Kuriki said the officers were delighted to have received such a donation and further added that the solar lights will assist the officers to work smartly and efficiently in carrying out their ministry work in their appointments.

“The officers normally use battery powered lights but now with the solar lights, they will no longer have to pay for batteries and so they have been very grateful to receive the donated lights,” Major Alice said.

An officer couple from Mei Church, Majors Haro & Toto Pai said the solar lights will now help them to do their studies and prepare sermon notes at night as well and they are looking forward to using the lights to help them work effectively.

Assistant Chief Secretary Lieutenant Colonel Chris Goa who has been instrumental in spearheading the solar distribution exercise said the solar lights would not have been made possible had it not been for the kind donation made by Colonel Miriam who remains a part of the The Salvation Army PNG family.

“The solar light distribution has been made possible through the donation made by Colonel Miriam.”

“When she approached us to identify a need for officers in the rural areas, we identified solar lights as a need because most officers do not own one and so with the donated solar lights, they will now take it with them as they take on new appointments,” Colonel Chris said.

Colonel Chris mentioned that so far, officers from 5 divisions and districts have received their solar lights however, the only two divisions which are yet to receive their solar lights are the North Coastal Division as well as the North Eastern Division.

“We have requested for the next lot of solar lights from the suppliers and so once the orders come through, we will then proceed with distributing lights to officers from the two divisions that have not received their solar lights yet,” Colonel Chris added.

The solar light distribution is being targeted to reach The Salvation Army officers serving in rural parts of the country.

The Salvation Army PNG & SI territory is thankful for such donations that continue to come in from friends like Colonel Miriam who at one time served in this part of the world and who still maintain a close relationship with the territory through such donations and support.

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