BSP supports Santos PNG Orchids with K300,000 sponsorship

BSP supports Santos PNG Orchids with K300,000 sponsorship


BSP Financial Group as platinum sponsors today presented a cheque of K300, 000 to the Santos PNG Orchids at the Santos National Football Stadium in Port Moresby.

Representing BSP at the cheque presentation was Ms Nuni Kulu, General Manager Digital who said the bank was delighted to yet again support the PNG women’s national rugby team this time around.

“We are a people’s bank and we do believe in equal opportunities for everyone, especially our citizens and most importantly for our women in empowering them to be able to achieve their sporting dreams.”

“This is not our first time to support a women’s national team or PNG women athletes for the matter and we do hope that we continue to encourage our women to aspire in their respective sports.”

Ms Kulu also mentioned that the bank is actively involved in providing support in other community initiatives as well.

“As a corporate organization, we also contribute to other causes that are essential particularly in health and wellbeing of our community especially through our community projects focusing around health, education and digitalization,” Ms Kulu said.

Ms Okaro Yogi, Chairlady of the Santos PNG Orchids upon receiving the cheque said that the team is fortunate and thankful enough to receive such a generous support from BSP and further added that the support will go a long way in helping the girls prepare for the Rugby World Cup in November.

“We want to thankyou for continuing to invest in sports through your brand ambassadors which you support and these brand ambassadors in the likes of David Mead, Ryan Pini and Toea Wisil are all role models for young people as these atletes support the community through sports.”

“Through your support, we will be able to get out there on the world stage and try our best to play to the best of our abilities as we believe that there are other young people, especially young girls that will be watching the game and so we will ensure to be good role models for them,” said Yogi.

PNGRFL CEO Stanley Hondina expressed thanks and gratitude to all who worked tirelessly behind the scenes in making sure the sponsorship came through and further commended them for a job well done.

“On behalf of PNGRFL Chairman Sandis Tsaka and his board and the PNG Orchids Chairlady and the board, we thankyou and welcome BSP as a platinum sponsor to the PNGRFL family of sponsors and partners.”

“This is a sport that is a national sport and you are a national bank and so it is only fitting to align the national sport with the national bank.”

“We are all about value alignment as we believe our target audience is the people within the community and it’s about partnering with this community,” Hondina said.

“We have the platform, we have the numbers, we have the reach and you have the corporate social obligations and that partnership is something we can work on together to get the message out there, to build a good community, good young men and women who can get out there and be good people to help build this nation,” Hondina added.

Mr Hondina further mentioned that as partners and sponsors to the icon team, it is important that they must have a front stage involvement in developing the brand and must be encouraged to get more involved and engaged towards working together with PNGRFL to further improve and upgrade the level of rugby in the country.

Mr Hondina said that with other partners already on board in the likes of Digicel, National Gaming Control Board and with BSP now joining this family of sponsors and partners, it is hoped that this relationship will continue on for as long as possible for the betterment of the development of the game in PNG.

The Santos PNG Orchids are looking forward to the trial match which will be held on Saturday 13th of August at the Santos National Football Stadium as a curtain raiser to the Round 15 Digicel Cup match between the PRK Gulf Isous and EPG Enga Mioks.

From this trial match, a 23 member squad will then be selected for the PNG Prime Minister’s XII match on 25th September against the Australian women’s team – the Jillaroos while our PNG men’s team – the PNG Kumuls will go against the Kangaroos.

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