BSP backs Santos PNG Orchids team

BSP backs Santos PNG Orchids team


BSP Financial Group Limited (BSP) continues to support sports and women empowerment in communities while promoting local talents at an international level.

The bank presented a cheque of K300, 000 yesterday as Platinum Sponsors to the PNG Rugby Football League (PNGRFL). This will go towards the national women’s rugby league team – PNG Santos Orchids’ World Cup preparations.  A trial match will take place this Saturday 13th August 2022.  A 23-girls squad will then be selected for the PNG Prime Minister’s XII match on 25th September against the Australian women’s team- the Jillaroos while our PNG men’s team – the PNG Kumuls will go against the Kangaroos. These will be among build up matches to the World Cup in November. 

In announcing this partnership, BSP General Manger – Digital, Nuni Kulu said BSP is honored to further expand its relationship in the rugby league fraternity, this time to the National Rugby Women’s Team, the PNG Orchids. “We are a people’s bank and we believe in giving equal opportunity for everyone – most importantly our women, in empowering them to achieving their sporting dreams. This is not our first time to support a PNG national woman’s team or PNG women athletes. As a Corporate Organisations we do contribute to other causes that are essential, particularly in health and wellbeing of our people; through our Community Projects focusing around health, education and digitalisation. We do hope and wish you the very best in your preparations particularly towards your preps in October and November’s World Cup.

“As a major employer with a large customer base, BSP upholds an inclusive environment that does not discriminate on the basis of gender, ethnicity or sexuality. These values align with the many sporting codes including Rugby League in PNG. Our values drive everything we do in the bank, and empowering women in our communities is one the essential element that drives our path to support this commitment,” Mrs Kulu added. 

PNG Santos Orchids Chairlady Okaro Yogi thanked BSP for believing in the rugby women’s team through this sponsorship. “Together with all our other sponsors, I would like to thank you all including BSP for coming onboard. We share and believe in your values. All of PNG will be looking on this women’s team. Thank you for coming on board to build our country through sports.

PNG Santos Orchids Head Coach Ben Jeffery said the team has commenced its World Cup preparations and such sponsorship will go a long way in helping the girls achieving their goals. “Thank you BSP! You can already see it (BSP branding) on their shirts.”

CEO of PNGRFL Stanley Hondina said it was fitting that a national sport is supported by the national bank. “We align the national sport with the national bank. We are all about value alignment. Our target audience is imbedded in the community. We have the platform, partners and reach, you have the Corporate Social responsibility and that’s partnership that we can work on to build a community together – young men and women who can go out there and help build this nation. Rugby league is about inclusiveness, gender equality, respect, discipline, about creating good men and women in the community. 

BSP believes in giving everyone equal opportunity, especially women, to empower them in achieving their sporting dreams. This is not our first time in supporting women’s National Team and or Rugby league in our communities as we have standing partnership with the SP PNG Hunters, Rabaul Rugby Football League (RRFL) – School Rugby League Competition and the Kimbe Cutters Rugby League Team in the PNG Digicel Cup League.

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