Salvos Hohola Vessels of Mercy Worship Band hosts successful Gala Dinner

Salvos Hohola Vessels of Mercy Worship Band hosts successful Gala Dinner


The Vessels of Mercy Worship Band from The Salvation Army Hohola Church in the South Central Division hosted a successful fundraising Gala Dinner on Saturday the 13th of August at the Roy Bungay Memorial Hall in Boroko.

Proceeds from the fundraiser will now go towards purchasing new musical instruments for the church so that ministry work can proceed to impact not just Hohola Church but the surrounding communities as well.

Corp Treasurer Mr Gorua Gurere said it is not the first time the church has done such a fundraiser as back in 2020, the church also did a major fundraiser to purchase a church vehicle and thanked everyone involved for the team effort in making such fundraising activities turn out to be successful.

In attendance were friends and family, other church partners as well as a few notable government leaders.

Providing special entertainment on the night were the old time favorites the Incense Gospel band and the amazing powerhouse vocalist Betty Tamanabae.

The Salvation Army Hohola Church expresses gratitude to all who came out to support the fundraising efforts.

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