Naomi Tom – Fashion Designer & Owner of Alo Tattoo Wear

Naomi Tom – Fashion Designer & Owner of Alo Tattoo Wear


My name is Naomi Tom and I am one of the designers showcasing at the upcoming PNG Fashion Week NGCB Paradise Runway. I hail from Goroka in the Eastern Highlands Province and I am 23 years of age. I last attended Tokarara Secondary School in 2017, but due to an illness which complicated my health, I was not able to complete my grade eleven and further my studies.

Keeping in mind that education is important, I pushed myself to try completing my grade 12 at the FODE Centre Gordons however faced further complications and issues and pulled out from completing my studies. After pulling out from studies, I remained at home for a period of time and during this time I started doing sketches and designs as a hobby to pass time and also because I had a passion for art and found it to be fun and interesting.

Alo Tattoo Wear Traditionally Inspired Dress by Naomi Tom at the 2021 NGCB Paradise Runway. Picture courtesy: Silversoul Studios

In 2019, I attended a fashion and design training just to pass time as I wasn’t doing anything at the time. I am thankful today that I attended this training because it was the skills and knowledge learnt from this training that catapulted me towards growing and developing as a fashion designer over the years. With this new found knowledge and skills, I’ve gained so much confidence in myself and my art.

Attending the workshop, I found myself amongst the working class and people of high standing in society that were also participating. I was among 4 or 5 other youths that took part as well. My designs turned out to be one of the top designs which were unique (Alo Tattoo Wear). I was then selected to be interviewed and was asked to give a background story behind my designs which I did and finally graduated in 2019.

Alo Tattoo Wear by Naomi Tom at the 2021 NGCB Paradise Runway. Picture courtesy: Silversoul Studios

Being at home after graduation, I had a strong feeling to pursue the knowledge and skills acquired from the workshop but was still unsure where to begin until I came across an article about the Ice Fashion Show at Lamana Hotel in Port Moresby. I decided to enter the show as a designer but specifically as an emerging designer and I came 3rd place.

That was the first fashion show I was introduced to and I have since gained so much exposure to the fashion industry just from that show alone. It was from this show where my designs were noticed by some of the country’s well known fashion enthusiasts as well as a few interests that started coming in from overseas,

In 2020, I incorporated Alo Tattoo Wear (ATW) as the founder and was also selected as the Ad Brand Ambassador for PNG FASHION & DESIGN WEEK LIMITED and up to date, ATW has reached the international platform where customers from overseas are now placing orders for my designs in a short space of time.

This year, I have the privilege to showcase Alo Tattoo Wear for the second time around in the annual NGCB Paradise Runway and I am super excited to go one step higher from last year’s collection and am looking forward to putting up some of my best work to date come the 17th of September.

Designer Nami Tom and TID model at the 2021 NGCB Paradise Runway.

For me this year, I am coming onto the PNG Fashion Week NGCB Paradise Runway
to further drive my brand as I believe in the massive network of PNG Fashion
Week as the premier fashion platform in Papua New Guinea.

I am thankful to Ms Philma Kelegai, Director of PNG Fashion Week for working tirelessly to provide platforms and opportunities for us PNG designers to showcase our work which in turn helps to elevate our brands.

As a young upcoming designer, it is also a challenge for me to do my best to produce quality fabric with my unique designs and so far, I have received many compliments and positive feedbacks from customers and that in turn gives me confidence in what I do and I continue to uphold ATW’s customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, everything comes through mind and heart. Styles come and go; good design is a language not a style.

Alo Tattoo Wear has been operating as a business in the fashion industry for three years now.

At Alo Tattoo Wear, we have an attitude that is based on the motto: I CAN AND I WILL!

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